How to Be a Better You

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I’ve learned a few tips on how to stop being sad or moody. If you are clinically depressed, these tips are not going to make much difference, but if you use them along with what your doctor tells you – who knows. Anyway:
1. Sun. It is proven that the less sun you get, the more depressed you feel. This is why most people feel down when the weather is gloomy, and in winder, too. Of course, you can’t change the weather and make clouds go away but you can enjoy the sun when the weather is good. If you simply stay at home, it will not help. If it’s summer, go read in a park, if it’s winter, go for a walk. If you can’t get out, enjoy weather sitting on a porch or a balcony. If you have a chance to go on vacation, do. Even if you have no one to go with. Trust me, human company is overrated, you will be surprised how much you can enjoy the beach alone or in a company of a good book.

Human and Music

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Since the ancient times music has played an important role in the human life. The wise men and the scientists of the past ages supposed that the music is able to restore the order in the universe and in the human organism as well. On the other hand it may possess a great destroying power and bring chaos to nature and human minds. The music really encloses the unlimited opportunities.


What to wear

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Women can spend hours in a store choosing the right dress, and when they do, they need to pick out a purse and a bracelet that look good with the dress. They sure need a new pair of shoes that will make the dress look even better. The right make up is very important too.

For a man dressing up is much simpler. But many men still wear clothes that not only don’t attract women, but actually repel them. It shouldn’t be hard to choose the right clothes. And now I am going to give you a few examples of what a man can wear to look good.


Phototherapy –Time for Print

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Everybody should have a collection of photos which can be shown even to the enemies. Posing in front of camera is a powerful psychotherapy, which will require artistic skills, image creation and exposing your creative energy for the public view. To feel all advantages of this process it is not necessary to pay money as you can easily become a participant of time for print (TFP) photo session. You are not paid for posing but you do not pay the photographer either.

TFP sessions, however, will require more recoil from you so be ready to become a full participant of the process. You will have to offer some original idea, suggestions on its realization, interesting image and maximum of your artistic skills.


How to learn to concentrate.

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An ability to concentrate is extremely important in our life. Being absent-minded you may face many problems especially at work or during your studies. It may also cause problems in your relationship. Girls hate when their partners forget about important events or fail to perform an easy task. So you need to learn how to maximize your ability to concentrate. In fact it is not that difficult.


Visiting Graceland.

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Graceland is one of the most popular places in the United States. Former house of Elvis Presley and his family is a museum nowadays. It was opened in 1982. Even though the house is widely criticized (mainly its design) in fact more than 650 000 people visit Graceland annually. Thus Albert Goldman compares it with a brothel. Tamsin Blanchard shares his impressions describing the mansion. “In a fit of gaudiness we could only expect from the King, the house was fitted out like a bordello. This was the early 70s, after all, and if Elvis couldn’t paint his house red, then who could? […] So the walls, carpets, curtains and furnishings were all hot Corvette red”.


Alushes, The Defenders of Mexico

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The rituals and beliefs of Maya that appeared before the times of Columbus constitute the whole layer of traditions that is still a lacuna in a modern social studies. According tho the ancient Maya beliefs Alush is the representative of the whole host of the creatures that live next to the settlements of the human beings. The traditions connected with Alushes still remain quite popular within the modern native population of Mexico. Alush is believed to be a small anthropomorphic creature who cares for the crop and the house to be in order and defends the household and the land from the invasion of strangers or enemies.


Weird Ideas of Hobbies

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Collecting thing has always presented much interest for people and became one of the most popular of their hobbies. May be such interest originates from the primeval stage of human development when people collected roots and herbs in order to survive. May be it reflects the materialistic part of our nature. However, with time this passion for collecting has transformed, and now people search for the strangest objects some of them are even immaterial ones.

One Dane came up with an idea to collect ecstasy pills. He found about 2400 pills of all possible colors. Unfortunately, though inevitably, his collection was stolen and there is a strong possibility that most of specimens do not exist any longer. This kind of collecting is illegal but this man came to the police nevertheless with the purpose nit to return the collection but to warn the thief that forty pills from the lot were poisoned.


7 Wrong Steps Towards Becoming A Photographer

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So, you see that nowadays anyone can grab a camera and call himself a photographer. Why not trying it out, too? But still, remember that there is a gap between a person with a cool camera and a professional photographer. Photo shooting is like love – whom you make love with DOES matter! So, check 7 wrong steps that one can make while learning the science of photography.


One Direction And Their Way To The Top

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The One Direction band is popular worldwide now as a lot of young people today call it their favorite.

Having signed the contract with the record company, the One Direction band left for the X-Factor tour and in few weeks it returned being famous and well recognized. Their first album that came out in stores on 21th of November, 2011 was called “Up All Night” and it became the most sold album in Great Britain. The music videos posted on YouTube were hitting the records of views. The song called “What Makes You Beautiful” was their very first single that actually earned a lot of positive reviews by critics as well as the second one called “One Thing”.


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