What to wear

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Women can spend hours in a store choosing the right dress, and when they do, they need to pick out a purse and a bracelet that look good with the dress. They sure need a new pair of shoes that will make the dress look even better. The right make up is very important too.

For a man dressing up is much simpler. But many men still wear clothes that not only don’t attract women, but actually repel them. It shouldn’t be hard to choose the right clothes. And now I am going to give you a few examples of what a man can wear to look good.


Alushes, The Defenders of Mexico

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The rituals and beliefs of Maya that appeared before the times of Columbus constitute the whole layer of traditions that is still a lacuna in a modern social studies. According tho the ancient Maya beliefs Alush is the representative of the whole host of the creatures that live next to the settlements of the human beings. The traditions connected with Alushes still remain quite popular within the modern native population of Mexico. Alush is believed to be a small anthropomorphic creature who cares for the crop and the house to be in order and defends the household and the land from the invasion of strangers or enemies.


Nazi hunters. Simon Wiesenthal.

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The term “Nazi hunter” refers to those who chased and tried to capture and prosecute former SS officers, Nazis and Nazi collaborators accused of war crimes. Today it is well known that it was some kind of network of those who wanted to revenge. Thus many Jewish victims of Holocaust who considered it as their duty to find former Nazis and deliver the justice thus taking the law into their own hands. Once they wanted to poison drinking water to kill six million random citizens of divided Germany. Eye for eye. Six million Germans for six million Jewish victims of Holocaust. It was their main principle and idea. Well, fortunately they failed. At the same time it is just so easy to understand their actions.

One of the most remarkable Nazi-hunter was Simon Wiesenthal (1908-2005). He survived during Austrian Holocaust and after the end of World War II Wiesenthal was eager to revenge as many other Jewish. He was a founder of the Jewish Historical documentation Center in Linz and Vienna where with the help of volunteers and other Nazi hunters he gathered information on former war criminals and future trials.


The strangest traditions of the world

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People differ from animals in many ways. We create civilizations, we have laws and traditions. Animals have their own rules too, but unlike their rules, our traditions may be impossible or very hard to understand. Here are a few laws or traditions (whatever they call them) that may seem funny, some of them make sense, and some of them don’t. I believe that some of them may be made up, but they will sure make you laugh.

1. In Belgium, if a woman finds out her husband cheated on her, she may pour boiling-hot water on his genitals while he is sleeping. He may do the same to her, if he finds out she cheated on him (Ouch… cheap shot, but you will definitely feel so much better after that!)

2. In China a woman has a right to divorce a man if she doesn’t have orgasm during six months after the wedding (I would give her right to sue him 😀 it’s half a year for crying out loud).
