How to Be a Better You

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I’ve learned a few tips on how to stop being sad or moody. If you are clinically depressed, these tips are not going to make much difference, but if you use them along with what your doctor tells you – who knows. Anyway:
1. Sun. It is proven that the less sun you get, the more depressed you feel. This is why most people feel down when the weather is gloomy, and in winder, too. Of course, you can’t change the weather and make clouds go away but you can enjoy the sun when the weather is good. If you simply stay at home, it will not help. If it’s summer, go read in a park, if it’s winter, go for a walk. If you can’t get out, enjoy weather sitting on a porch or a balcony. If you have a chance to go on vacation, do. Even if you have no one to go with. Trust me, human company is overrated, you will be surprised how much you can enjoy the beach alone or in a company of a good book.

How to learn to concentrate.

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An ability to concentrate is extremely important in our life. Being absent-minded you may face many problems especially at work or during your studies. It may also cause problems in your relationship. Girls hate when their partners forget about important events or fail to perform an easy task. So you need to learn how to maximize your ability to concentrate. In fact it is not that difficult.


Why We Forgot How to Wait

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Due to his nature a human being is an active creature, and the capacity to wait is not given to us since we were born as the natural instinct always urges us to perform actions. The waiting is viewed as a discomforting situation, besides, in the world where the time passes faster and faster people have completely forgotten how to wait. The problem is even deeper as with loosing the skill of waiting we forget how to relax and switch the head off in lots of situations.

The first thing you should do to switch to a more relaxed mode is to stop viewing waiting as a problem. It is a kind of emptiness which requires natural filling, a change of life tempo which occurs despite our will and in improper moment. You should just adjust this waiting for yourself, put it down in your personal schedule – if you wait for the water to boil, read a book, if you are in a traffic jam, repeat French grammar or enjoy music. Do not allow the process of waiting to capture you and shift the focus of your attention.
